Parents take the utmost care with their child’s health, but many are not aware of developmental problems that can occur with their child’s eyes. The eyes are not yet fully developed at birth, and in fact, continue to develop throughout childhood.
We all understand the importance of good vision, but did you know children depend on their eyes for over 80% of their learning? Even a minor problem can lead to difficulties in school.
Developmental eye problems often have no symptoms and can remain undiagnosed without proper eyecare. These conditions are best corrected at an early age. Infants and children should have their eyes examined as soon as any problem is noticed, no matter how minor it may seem.
If your child’s eyes look healthy and appear to be developing normally, have them examined by age three just to be sure. Don’t worry if your child is too young to read: we use pictures and puppets to test their vision. The examination can actually be a lot of fun for kids.
Speaking of fun, children’s eyewear is now a lot more fun. Children’s eyewear is now fashionable and durable, and its available in designer brands and bright colours, features that both parents and children like.
Remember that annual eye examinations are covered by Alberta Health Services for those 18 years of age or younger.
Eye See…Eye Learn
The success of this program is dependent on both the parents and the teachers. Each fall, over 50,000 information packages are sent home with kindergarten students. As you may know, Alberta Health Services will cover the cost of eye examinations for all children of ages 0 to 18 annually. ESEL supplements this by providing one free pair of eyeglasses to kindergarten students, if the optometrist determines that a perscription is required.

Below are some indicators that your child may be experiencing a vision problem:
- dislikes near work (coloring, drawing, puzzles, reading, LEGO etc.)
- short attention span or excessive daydreaming
- turns or tilts head to view
- closes or covers one eye
- eye rubbing or squinting
- frequently loses place when reading, or uses a finger to keep his/her place
- frequent letter reversals
- blurred vision or double vision
Not all vision problems will have obvious manifestations. It is a good idea to have your childs vision and ocular health checked annually, regardless of whether or not they may be experiencing any particular problems. If you think that your child may be experiencing these or other vision problems, please call our office and we will be happy to schedule an appointment with one of our optometrists.
Remember, the examination is covered by Alberta Health Services for children 18 and younger every year.